Monday, May 4, 2015

Three new poems in Black Mirror Magazine today


I will never never understand wars. Here you can read
Watching the news by María Castro Domínguez      

Watching the news
no-bodies like trash left behind
dressed in dust and dirt, scorched
into dry rigid bone
some stowed in wagons
locked away but they
relentlessly  knock
I was alive a while ago
opens unclosed
torpedoes our eyes

Monday, March 30, 2015

"Understanding" by María Castro Domínguez in Message in a Bottle Poetry Magazine

Delighted to see my poem "Understanding" published in one of my favourite poetry magazines Message in a Bottle, with Derek Sellen´s fantastic art work. 

A magazine where as the Editor says :

Looks for work that displays a virtuoso use of language. 
Poems that strive to express ideas in arresting images which surprise and delight. 

Metaphors so original we get a tinge of jealousy  after reading.

We favour poems whose subject matter brings to our attention the unusual, the unsung and the overlooked , whose events and characters  are so memorable, we return to them hours and  days later. We love to read brave poems that are sent out in to the world like ' messages in a bottle'.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Poetry writing

Good to see how the process of writing poetry can be: Liz Berry

Like many of the poems in Black Country, it took a long time for ‘Sow’ to travel from its first notes to its final form.  It began as a scribbled note in my diary in May 2010. I was walking along Highgate Tube platform in a new pair of black boots and, hearing them trip-trapping, I looked down and imagined them as little hooves and myself as some kind of animal. On the tube I made this note in my diary....


My discovery today Carole Satyamurti

Carole Satyamurti wrote the poem: I shall paint my nails red. 

I Shall Paint My Nails Red

Because of a bit of color is a public service.
Because I am proud of my hands.
Because it will remind me I’m a woman.
Because I will look like a survivor.
Because I can admire them in the mirror.
Because my daughter will say ugh.
Because my lover will be surprisesd.
Because it is quickyer than dyeing my hair.
Because it is a ten-minute moratorium.
Because it is reversible.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Definitely my maxim

A poem is "a momentary stay against confusion", declared Robert Frost, who "carved grace out of tragedy". Art can help us to "enjoy or endure", believed Larkin. Poets are, asserted Shelley, "the unacknowledged legislators of the world" Says Josephine Hart.

I say poetry brings us back to the human.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Poem Perdedores of Jacobo Valcárcel in El Alambique

Llega hasta lo más profundo, la poesía de Jacobo.

Eye kicking  poetry of  Jacobo Valcárcel.

De perdedores de Jacobo Valcárcel

Se jugaba con el gatillo cada día, cada noche,
y mis cartas estaban sobre el tapete del sufrimiento, de la indignación,
de intentar perder y era la vida una copa desnuda de alcohol de espeso árbol
de vómito muchas, tantísimas veces,
que perdedor, soñador era ser lo mejor a veces,
brindar con la copa calva de ausencia
invitar a la mesa al último perdedor ausente.
Jacobo Valcárcel

bucolic Bruges

bucolic Bruges